Nutrition in cirrhotic patients
If you've been diagnosed with cirrhosis and have an interest for nutrition, you are at the right place!
Cirrhosis is a liver damage that can cause malnutrition, a suboptimal nutritional status that can lead to the development of various complications. Thus, adopting a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is essential.
Nutritional recommendations for people with cirrhosis are not always known and well understood. Thus, national health experts in collaboration with patients and their family caregivers have developed a Nutrition Guide for Cirrhosis, a simple and user-friendly tool allowing a better understanding of these concepts which may seem complex.
The main objective of the research project is to assess the potentially beneficial effect of this Guide on patients with cirrhosis and their caregivers. The duration of participation in this project is 6 months and takes place entirely remotely (online/by phone).
Contact Manila Sophasath if this research project interests you!
514-890-8000 poste 23607