Labo hépato-neuro

Marcos Ocaña-Sanchez

Marcos Ocaña-Sanchez

 Le cerveau dans la maladie de foie induite par l'obésité

 M.Sc., Universidad Veracuzana, Mexique


  • Dr Christopher Rose

 Été 2016

Publications connexes

New animal model of obesity and chronic liver disease to provide insights on non-alcoholic liver disease-induced hepatic encephalopathy.

New animal model of obesity and chronic liver disease to provide insights on non-alcoholic liver disease-induced hepatic encephalopathy.

Rafael Ochoa-Sanchez, Mélanie Tremblay, Marc-André Clément, Marcos Ocana-Sanchez, Christopher F. Rose.

Development of a new animal model of obesity and chronic liver disease for the study of hepatic encephalopathy.

Development of a new animal model of obesity and chronic liver disease for the study of hepatic encephalopathy.

Rafael Ochoa-Sanchez, Mélanie Tremblay, Marc-André Clément, Marcos Ocana-Sanchez, Christopher F. Rose.